
k is off to the big apple, people!

hi friends, kendall here, the lazier half of valentine on the side. just wanted to write a quick post on my own to let you know why we've been m.i.a. from the blog world. besides the fact that this summer denver has been too hot to do anything, including thinking of new blog ideas, going shopping/scouting/researching, and even sitting in front of a computer to type said blog, the absence is mostly my fault, because my mind has admittedly been elsewhere: i'm about to move to the big apple!! 

that's right, three weeks from now i will officially be an aas fashion design student at parsons the new school for design! high fives all around??

we don't know what will happen to the blog in all honesty, but we will surely keep you updated if we decide to branch off into new blog territory. truth be told, i'm going to miss romping around denver with el, drinking san pellegrino, typing in courier font, discovering both the surprising coolness and numbing lameness of the city. surely there's much more to be discovered.  

you might be saying: k, are you fashionable enough for parsons, the school that hosts the beloved show project runway? the answer is no, not even kind of. 

...but i think i will do okay as my old, unfashionable self. until next time!

xoxo k